Pedjo Contact Form. Enter appropriate data. Note that this form is deliberately plain and without frills so that you can enter additional information where you feel it is needed. Job positions are listed at . Edit this form in your email, word processor, or Notepad program. Email the completed form to Pedjo: . #1, Identification Name (first, middle, last): Address: City or Town: State: Zip: Country: email: Phone: Cell: #2, Desired Relationship with Pedjo Please answer "YES" or "NO" for positions you are considering. Employee in Pulaski, VA:___ Contract worker:___ As a maker working with Pedjo at my location:___ Investor:___ Expected compensation, salary, or wage:$___ Desired work hours:___ #3, Experience, abilities, and objectives Please provide supporting information and indicate what positions you are interested in. Attach a resume if it is informative: